Ely Cathedral Tour by patcalutube
Secrets Of Ely Cathedral (Country Tracks BBC)
Michael White introduces some of the lesser-known features of Ely Cathedral, including the Prior’s Door and the carvings, stained glass and acoustics of the Lady Chapel. Taken from BBC “Country Tracks” (Cambridgeshire Episode), first transmitted Sunday 27 November 2011.
The Octagon, Lantern and Lady Chapel Of Ely Cathedral
Michael White introduces Mark Stacey to some of the features of Ely Cathedral, including the Octagon and Lantern. Taken from BBC “Antiques Road Trip” (Series 5 Episode 18), first transmitted Wednesday 24 October 2012.
Michael’s book “A Promise of Beauty: The Octagon Tower and Lantern at Ely Cathedral” details the history and meaning of the unique octagonal central tower of Ely Cathedral, and is available from bookshops. It can also be ordered online from promiseofbeauty.com or by visiting amazon.co.uk
Origin of Ely : Modern Ely : Festivals