Wednesday 11th June – Sunday 13th July
The Isle of Ely Arts Festival 2014, now a firmly established fixture in the calendar of our diverse, cultural and historical district.
A wide range of arts events are taking place across the whole of East Cambridgeshire during the Festival.
There are classical music concerts, a feast of visual arts as well as live screenings direct from the Royal Opera House and RSC.
Pick up a Festival brochure at venues and shops throughout the district or download a copy.
Schedule of events:
Until 21 June Richmond Printmakers
Babylon Gallery, Ely www.adec.org.uk
Until 29 June Mark Handley & Robin Stemp
The Old Fire Engine House, Ely www.theoldfireenginehouse.co.uk
Sat throughout festival Ely Market
2nd & 4th Saturdays Farmers Market
Market Square, Ely. www.visitely.eastcambs.gov.uk
Sun throughout festival Ted Coney’s Family Portraits
Tours, booking essential
49 Waterside, Ely www.tedconeysfamilyportraits.co.uk
Sun throughout festival FREE Band concerts
Jubilee Gardens, 2-4pm
Wed 11 – Sat 14 June Swaffham Bulbeck Summer Theatre
Gilbert & Sullivan’s ‘Patience’
Downing Farm, Swaffham Bulbeck www.sbsummertheatre.com
Sat 14 June Nottingham Playhouse: The Second Minute
Arkenstall Centre, Haddenham www.adec.org.uk
Sat 14 & Sat 28 June The Stained Glass Museum
FREE guided tours
(max 15, pre-booking essential)
Within Ely Cathedral, Tel: 01353 660347
Sun 15 June Sutton Fun Dog Show
Sutton Pavilion www.suttonfeast.btck.co.uk
Sun 15 June National Gardens Scheme Open Gardens
2-5.30pm www.ngs.org.uk
Sun 15 June Nottingham Playhouse: The Second Minute
Ellesmere Centre, Stetchworth www.adec.org.uk
Sun 15 June Prom at the Palace
London Dance Theatre, Ely Youth Choir, Witchford Voices and guests
Old Palace, Ely
Mon 16 June Ely Film Society
The Old Palace, Ely www.elyfilmsociety.com
Mon 16 – Sat 21 June Octagon Studios
A week of Open Days
28d High Street, Ely
Wed 18 June RSC Live! : Henry IV Part 1
Ely Cinema, Maltings, Ely www.adec.org.uk
Wed 18 June Fenspeak, Poetry Open Mic Night
Babylon Gallery, Ely www.adec.org.uk
Wed 18 June Ely Folk Club, Chris Sherburn & Findlay Napier
The Old Dispensary, St. Mary’s Street, Ely www.elyfolkclub.co.uk
Fri 20 June Ely Sinfonia: Mozart for Midsummer
Ely Cathedral, Ely www.elysinfonia.co.uk
Sat 21 June St Etheldreda Parade & Re-enactment
Ely Cathedral, Ely www.elycathedral.org
Sat 21 June – 23 August Haddenham Galleries, Summer Exhibition
Sun 22 June The Tony Robinson Memorial 10k & Mini Beast Fun Run
Sutton www.suttonfeast.btck.co
Sun 22 June James Pearson & Friends
Jazz in aid of Amnesty International
The Old Fire Engine House Gardens, Ely
Tue 24 June Royal Opera House: Manon Lescaut
Ely Cinema, Maltings, Ely www.adec.org.uk
Thu 26 – Sat 28 June Viva Theatre: Pride & Prejudice
St Andrew’s Church, Soham www.viva-group.org.uk
Fri 27 June Feast Quiz Night
Sutton Pavilion www.suttonfeast.btck.co.uk
Sat 28 June – 11 July Haddenham Galleries, Get on Your Bike
Sun 29 June Lantern Dance Theatre: Fenland Suite
In collaboration with Stop Gap
Paradise Leisure Centre, Ely www.lanterndancetheatre.org.uk
Sun 29 June Gaunt Day
Sutton Gault www.suttonfeast.btck.co.uk
First 4 weekends Cambridge Open Studios
Artists’ studios open throughout East Cambridgeshire
Wed 2 July Part I Young People’s Showcase
The Maltings, Ship Lane, Ely www.adec.org.uk
Sat 5 July – 1 September Althea Braithwaite & Devi Singh
The Old Fire Engine House, Ely www.theoldfireenginehouse.co.uk
Sat 5 July Cambridge Philharmonic Orchestra: Berlioz
Ely Cathedral, Ely www.cam-phil.org.uk
Sat 5 July Ely Consort, I Got Rhythm
St Mary’s, Burwell info@elyconsort.org.uk
Sun 6 July CAOS: Marriage of Figaro
St Peter’s Church, Fordham www.caosweb.org
Sun 6 July Parisian Swing
The Cutter Inn, Ely www.parisianswing.com
Sun 6 July Ely Aquafest
Lavender Green, Jubilee Gardens & Maltings Green, Ely www.elyaquafest.org.uk
Sun 6 & 13 July Summer Organ Recital Series
Ely Cathedral, Ely www.elycathedral.org
Wed 9 July Young People’s Showcase Part II
The Maltings, Ship Lane, Ely www.adec.org.uk
Fri 11 July Rave in the Nave 2014
12 yrs+
Ely Cathedral, Ely www.elycathedral.org
Fri 11 – Sun 13 July Ely Folk Festival
Ely Football Club, Ely www.elyfolkfestival.co.uk
Sat 12 July Ely Choral Society & Ely Youth Choir – Carmen
Hayward Theatre www.elychoralsociety.org
Sat 12 July – 31 August Craft & Design Showcase
Babylon Gallery, Ely www.adec.org.uk
Sat 12 & Sun 13 July Handmade at Haddenham
Haddenham Galleries, Haddenham www.haddenhamgallery.co.uk
Alternate Sundays Ely Walking Group
Throughout the year, Tel: 01353 667286 www.freewebs.com/elywalkinggroup
More information http://www.isleofelyartsfestival.org.uk/